
Think of a current political issue with global implications


Think of a current political issue with global implications. Briefly describe a rational approach to addressing the issue. How would the decision makers address the issue in a rational way? What information would decision makers need to know in order to do this?

In responding to classmates, locate a recent opinion poll that relates to the issue they chose. Discuss whether you believe the rational decision-making approach would line up with public opinion and what course of action you believe decision makers should take.

Draw on course material about rationality and what you have learned about social interactions in a global society to frame your discussion.

Each Reply must be 3 paragraphs long and 2 sources cited.

Post 1:

Immigration is a political topic that has implications for every country in the world. Many believe that it has led to an over-population in undocumented individuals for developed countries which causes problems with cultural assimilation and employment (Clemens, 2016). It is my personal belief that a rational approach would involve the United Nations working with international law enforcement agencies to establish clearer polices. Together, they should deem immigration as either involuntary or voluntary and base entry into countries depending on the determined status.

Involuntary immigration would be defined as individuals forced to flee a country due to either extreme conditions caused by war, persecution or disaster. An example of this is the Aleppo Crisis where Syrians were forced to flee due to acts of terrorism resulting in mass genocide (Fordham, 2017).

Individuals classified as involuntary immigrants would be granted temporary asylum in non-affected countries until the threat was eliminated in their native area. They would enter the new country under the condition that they would check-in regularly with law enforcement and if conditions did not improve in their native area, an option for a path to citizenship would be considered.

Voluntary immigration would be classified as individuals relocating to another region for non-emergencies, the United Nations would require an application followed by a full background check that international law enforcement would conduct. Status would vary from a permit to live in a new country for an allotted set of time to full citizenship status after a waiting period. Heightened security at boarders would also be implemented to prevent unknown entry into counties. The United Nations would need to regularly convene to determine any potential conflict in unfolding in countries that are members and non-members of the U.N.

Statistical information would also be used by this organization to identify countries with the highest levels of immigration to determine whether certain regions of the world are more prone to conflict or discourse than others. Lastly, an increase in law enforcement agencies to assist in processing immigrant status requests and to monitor individuals would be required.

The development and implementation of this plan explores the concept of homogenization or "the process of uniformity (Ritzer, 2014, p. 142)." Addressing immigration as an issue shared among developed countries would create an open improved communication for the global society.


Clemens, M. (2016, July 29). Why today's migration crisis is an issue of global economic inequality.

Fordham, A. (2017, January 29). Syrian Refugees Left With Questions After Immigration Halt.

Ritzer, G. (2014). The Mcdonaldization of Society: 8th Edition . Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications .

Post 2:

The current political issue I have chosen for this assignment that has global implications is the "war on drugs". This term coincides with the United States' efforts to reduce and eliminate the amounts of illegal drugs that are entering the country, but the entire globe is also facing a "war" on drugs. Many politicians and decision makers are in disagreement about how to handle the increasingly large amounts of illegal drugs that are being smuggled into the United States, Canada, Europe, and many other territories.

The global war on drugs is very important and time sensitive because drug overdoses are killing about 120 people per day in the United States, 5 per day in Australia, and 11,880 per year in Europe. (CDC) Back in 2000, Portugal voted to decriminalize all drugs, and they believe that "decriminalization and harm reduction lends greater attention to the human rights of users while allowing law enforcement resources to be spent elsewhere." (Oakford) Perhaps this is a window into the minds of the Portugal officials who believed that their decision to decriminalize drugs was rational.

It is clear that politicians who ran for office in the United States in 2016 disagree with this, and many are exercising their strongest efforts to vote against allowances of drugs of any kind. For example, Joe Biden voted in favor of "tougher penalties for drug offenders" and Tim Kaine voted in support of "Senate bill to fight opioid epidemic". (OnTheIssues.org)

When we think about the difference between Portugal's ideas and the United States' ideas about the way that people should be dealt with when it comes to drug possession and use, we might wonder if both countries believe that they are acting in a rational way.

Decision makers have a large task at hand when trying to control the drug situation, and this is because not everyone agrees, and most people have their own rationale about dealing with these types of issues. Decision makers would need to know the true and actual beliefs of each other (the leaders of many different countries who would be banning together in a war on drugs) when it comes to drug use, possession, transport, manufacturing, etc.

Decision makers must weed out those who are not interested in fighting for the same cause, because their rationale is different and will clash with the rest, making the problem even worse.

Decision makers must decide what their stance is, what they are willing to approve or deny when it comes to drug related decisions and most importantly, WHY. Why would political leaders wish to group together to outlaw and eliminate drugs in their territories?

"Approval is the most fundamental human goal." (Scott, 4) Leading officials seek approval, and in order to achieve this, they must eliminate drugs and make their people happy. I believe that those who wish to manufacture, sell, and do a lot of drugs, should be deported and sent to Portugal where they may partake in drugs freely.

"Facts & Stats." International Overdose Awareness Day. Center for Disease Control. 2017.

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Operation Management: Think of a current political issue with global implications
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