Complete all of the following activities (200-250 words).
1. Think about your own use of analysis. How many decisions-large and small-have you made in the last week? In the last month? In the last year? Make a chart listing a representative sample of these decisions, from small (choosing a breakfast food) to major (choosing a college), and what areas of your life they affected. Then note the information you gathered in each case before you came to a final decision. What does this chart tell you about your interests, activities, and priorities? Respond to these questions below.
2. Look for analysis in everyday use. Find two consumer-oriented websites that analyze something you're interested in, such as laptops, cell phones, sneakers, places you might like to go, or things you might like to do. Study the analyses and decide which one is most useful. Then try to figure out what makes it better. Is it the language? The images? The amount of detail? The format?