
Think about the idea of success and failure how

Mid-term Prompts

Choose one of the following prompts. Use this essay to demonstrate the extent of your understanding of the readings.

Examine the texts carefully and write a persuasive and organized paper.

1. In the readings Antigone and R.U.R, there are many instances where conflicts arise. Characters act according to their values which collide with one another. What do these two readings say about the importance of communication and compromise to live harmoniously? How could have tragedy been avoided?

2. How is the concept of Technological Hubris explored and commented in the readings¬?Can you identify a paradox emerging from technological progress?
Suggested readings: Triumphant Ode, The Founding and the Manifesto of Futurism, R.U.R, I pencil

3. The theme of Dominance and Resistance underlies our main readings, how do the readings approach this issue? Who/what dominates? Who/what resists? And how? What are the final effects of this dialectic?[use at least 2 readings]

4. What makes a human, human? What do the readings say about the value of human life, humanity and human dignity? Use your understanding of the readings and critical analysis to examine what positive and negatives are associated to humankind and see if they offer any solution and/or hope. [use at least 2 readings]

5. According to Stuart Hall, Popular Culture is "the ground on which transformations are worked" (443) and where the relationships the structure society are articulated. Based on this premise and your understanding of the readings:

a) Examine an art piece of Futurism in its content and form;

b) If Popular Culture is "the dialectic of cultural struggle" (447), what is the Futurist's Art struggling against? Elaborate on the consequences of having such art as the Popular Art. What does it say about society? How does it say it?
Suggested readings: Notes on deconstructing the Popular, The Founding and the Manifesto of Futurism, Images from the presentation (uploaded on iLearn)

6. Think about the idea of success and failure: How doesAntigone examine what determines failure and success. What about Marx? Can one control one's "fate", if so, to what extent, if not, why?

7. How can we use R.U.R to understand Wage, Labor and Capital? What are some of the concepts we find the Marx's text that can be illustrated by the play?

8: Alienation - disconnection between what you do and what you are. It is a feeling of estrangement that separates you from yourelf and from others. How and why characters in Antigone and R.U.R felt this way? What was their resolution?

9. Is Capitalism Humane? Consider Marx's criticism of the Capitalist system and the notion of freedom, what are the solutions that L. Reed's I, pencil may offer to step out of the negative and oppressive Capitalist mindset?

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Econometrics: Think about the idea of success and failure how
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