
Things that you may include in your journal include whether

Advanced texicology

Course Textbook Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

(1) Journal 1

Post a one- to two-paragraph Journal discussing your thoughts on animal testing for immunocompetence tests. Things that you may include in your Journal include whether there are other viable options (other than animal testing) for testing immunocompetence, what the best options are, and what information we have gained/can we gain as a result of these tests.

(2) Journal 2

Discuss three concepts you learned from this unit's reading and how they directly relate to your future employment. Post your response on the Course Journal. You can post your Journal in the corresponding Unit or click on "Tools" in the Course Menu, and then click on "Journal." Choose the Journal for this unit and post your Journal.

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Dissertation: Things that you may include in your journal include whether
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