
They want to contribute to the presidential election

John and Martha Holloway are married filing jointly. They are 35 and 31 years old, respectively. Their address is 10010 Dove Street, Atlanta, GA 30294. Additional information about Mr. and Mrs. Holloway is as follows:

Social security numbers:

John: 412-34-5670

Martha: 412-34-5671
Date of birth: 3/4/1981

Date of birth: 8/20/1985
W-2 for John shows these amounts:

W-2 for Martha shows these amounts:
Wages (box 1) = $ 35,500.00

Wages (box 1) = $ 22,000.00
Federal W/H (box 2) = $ 4,100.00

Federal W/H (box 2) = $ 2,200.00
Social security wages (box 3) = $ 35,500.00

Social security wages (box 3) = $ 22,000.00
Social security W/H (box 4) = $ 2,201.00

Social security W/H (box 4) = $ 1,364.00
Medicare wages (box 5) = $ 35,500.00

Medicare wages (box 5) = $ 22,000.00
Medicare W/H (box 6) = $ 514.75

Medicare W/H (box 6) = $ 319.00

Form 1099-DIV for John shows this amount:

Box 1a and box 1b = $345.00 from MAR Brokerage.

Form 1099-INT for John shows these amounts:

Box 1 = $450.00 from ABC Bank. Box 4 = $35.00.

John is a construction worker, and Martha is a secretary. Prepare the tax return for Mr. and Mrs. Holloway using the appropriate form.

They want to contribute to the presidential election campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway had qualifying health care coverage at all times during the tax year.

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Financial Management: They want to contribute to the presidential election
Reference No:- TGS02757451

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