
They should include a brief synopsis no longer than a

Question: You are required to attend two full realized productions of theater and write a response paper for each of the productions you attend. Productions should be either a Temple Theaters production or a professionally produced show.

They should include a BRIEF synopsis (no longer than a paragraph) and then a critical analysis of one of the actors in the production. Try to use as many of the lessons from class into your response paper and highlight 5 aspects of the actor's performance to discuss. Some things you might talk about is how certain moments pulled you in to the story, what the actor did to make you believe him/her as the character, was the actor confident in his/her performance, did they speak clearly, was their speech pattern stylized or naturalistic and was it appropriate for the production, did the actor have clear objectives/obstacles and how effectively did they pursue or try to overcome them, etc..? Response papers should be two full pages, 1.5 spacing, 12pt font.

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Dissertation: They should include a brief synopsis no longer than a
Reference No:- TGS02923078

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