
Thesis what is your goal for this essay what do you hope to

Essay Proposal Prompt

Please construct a 1-2 page proposal on what you are planning to write your Project Text research paper about. Your proposal must include a clear thesis and how you're going to argue and support this thesis. You must also include two articles and their summaries and explain how you'll use this to support your claims. (You can copy paste these directly from your annotated bibliography.)

An example of structuring your proposal:

-Background information of this topic: Give a brief account of your understanding of this topic and how it is relevant in the real world today.
- Thesis: What is your goal for this essay? What do you hope to argue?
- What claims you are going to make in your paper, using your thesis. What are you arguing? Put 3-4 claims.

• Claim: What it is? What evidence are you using to support it? (evidence from the Woman Warrior readings; Evidence from a scholarly source. Etc.) How does this tie in with your thesis? [Do this 3-4 times for each of your claims]

- The "So-What" of your argument. What does this say about the greater picture/what is the bigger implication? Why should we care about this issue and why is it important that we enter a conversation about this issue in our society?

1. Article 1: Citation - Summary about the article. How does this article support or inform your thesis and the argument you are trying to make.

2. Article 2: Citation - Summary about the article. How does this article support or inform your thesis and the argument you are trying to make.

Project Text - Research Paper: Engaging With a Social Issue

The goal of this project is to further your understanding of argumentation, as well as refine your research skills. You will also refine your analytical skills as you will closely examine and analyze a literary text to prepare for this project's essay. Through your close examination and analysis, you will identify possible issues found in the literary text that connects with the real world today. You will continue to build on the readings and class discussions from earlier in the semester, enhancing your understating of how prior knowledge and experience informs your growing view of the world and the societies in which we live.

Essay #3 Prompt

For this project you will closely examine and analyze Maxine Hong Kingston's Woman

Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts and choose a social issue raised by any of the book's short stories (other than "White Tiger") to research and write about in a thesis driven argumentative essay.

You will be required to do outside research for this essay (minimum of 3 scholarly sources). You will want to use your outside sources to initiate your own argument. In other words, your purpose should not be to cram as many sources as you can into your essay; you do not want other writers' voices to drown out your own, but instead use your sources to establish and evidence your own argument. You will not be permitted to use block quotes (4 or more lines) so you must paraphrase or directly quote only the essential. When you reference your literary source (Woman Warrior) you are to analyze the content, not simply summarize it.

Manuscript Notes: This essay should be five to seven 12pt. font Times New Roman, 1" margins, double-spaced pages and calls for MLA documentation; you must include a "Works Cited" page at the end of your essay. When you quote key phrases or clauses from your text(s), you must provide in-text citation. Must have minimum 3 scholarly sources.

Assignments leading up to the final essay packet will include the following, in this order:

-Annotated bibliography: Due Tuesday 4/19
-Essay proposal: Due Friday 4/22 on Moodle
-Rough Draft
-Peer Review
-Tutoring session at the LRC (pink slip required).

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Other Subject: Thesis what is your goal for this essay what do you hope to
Reference No:- TGS01384294

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