
Thesis statement- technology is changing our lives in three


Thesis Statement Worksheet 1

Now rewrite each of the thesis statements below, turning each into an effective thesis statement for a 2-3 page essay. You must think carefully about what would be an appropriate topic foe an essay of this length be careful not to choose a topic that is either too broad or too narrow.

1. Choosing a career is very difficult.
2. It is important to visit foreign countries.
3. In this essay I am going to talk about social problems in Germany.
4. Humans are inflicting more and more damage on the environment.
5. The nuclear family is a thing of the past.

Thesis statement Worksheet 2

Complete the following thesis statements by adding the e specific points, claims or areas of investigation that you think should feature in the essay, then identify which type of thesis statement (analytical, expository, analytical) it is.

1. The life expectancy of the average person is increasing because of ...
2. Technology is changing our lives in three important areas: ...
3. A teacher must have the following qualities: ...
4. The purpose of this paper is to examine...
5. Owning an automobile is a necessity both ...
6. Poverty has numerous negative consequences for society, including...
7. The main difficulties affecting foreign students at university are...
8. Living together before marriage is becoming increasingly popular for three main reasons:

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Reference No:- TGS02613372

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