
these roadblocks are able to be removed by

These roadblocks are able to be removed by applying lifestyle & psychographic segmentation. When motivations, attitudes, personality characteristics and belief systems are analyzed mathematically or statistically to determine groups with considerably different attitudes the result is a lifestyle & psychographic segmentation. When psychographics are segmented the requirement to either oversimplify or use averages evaporates and communicators are able to select the most effective message for each segment. For one segment a message may corroborate an established viewpoint and for another a targeted message will change a mindset. Segments that deem an issue or subject to be far more important than does the mythical average could be made up of opinion leaders who influence others' viewpoints. When these heavy segments are measured in a statistically accurate way a communicator can compare before as well as after measures--by segment-to determine the true impact of a program.

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Marketing Management: these roadblocks are able to be removed by
Reference No:- TGS0327633

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