
These questions require longer answers than the short

Exam part 2 - Essay Questions

These questions require longer answers than the short answer questions, and there may be no single correct answer for the question. For that reason, your explanation is more important than a specific answer.

Each question indicates the expected length of your answer, assuming that your answer is not repetitive of itself or of the question. If your answer is shorter than indicated, points will be deducted as follows:

* If it is short by between 1 and 50 words, 5 points will be deducted.
* If it is short by between 51 and 100 words, 10 points will be deducted.
* And so on

You will not lose points for writing answers that are longer than indicated, the maximum length is just to indicate how long of an answer is necessary to be complete.

Spellcheck and proofread your answers carefully. One free typo per question, after that each typo will result in a deduction of one point, up to five points per question.

You are not allowed to include direct quotes from any source in your answers to the essay questions. Everything you submit must be in your own words.

Question 1. The United States has essentially taken the position that the acceptability of cyber espionage depends upon the motivation of the espionage and what is done with the stolen information. This is most obvious in the United States position towards China's espionage activities.

What does the United States believe is an appropriate motivation for espionage, and what is inappropriate? Your answer must include an example of each.

(your answer to this question should be 100-200 words)

Question 2. You are in charge of IT for an electric utility. The CEO of the company suggests disconnecting the company's computer network from the internet so that you don't have to worry about all of that "cybersecurity stuff". Describe two reasons why you would still have to worry about all of that cybersecurity stuff.

(your answer to this question should be 100-200 words)

Question 3. Explain whether you believe the following statement to be true, and why or why not? Countries are unlikely to attack the United States in cyberspace because they fear that the United States will retaliate with cyberattacks against them.

(your answer to this question should be 100-200 words)

Question 4. You have been hired by a presidential candidate as a cybersecurity advisor. Write an essay for the candidate proposing what you believe is the most important action/policy/law the candidate should pursue (if elected) to improve cybersecurity in the United States.

Your essay must include the following:
* A description of the proposal.
* What effect would implementing the proposal have - how would it improve cybersecurity?
* Which of the three elements of deterrence is the proposal most closely related to?
* Identify at least one cyber attack we have read about this quarter where the proposal would make the attack less likely to happen, and explain why.

(your answer to this question should be 250-350 words)

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Other Subject: These questions require longer answers than the short
Reference No:- TGS01469164

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