
These are the phases and steps of actions you must take to

Project Objectives

Upon completion of NUR456 Professional Practice Project, the student will be able to complete the following objectives as evidenced by documentation in discussion boards, clinical evaluations, feedback from preceptor, fellow students, and faculty:

1. Synthesize knowledge from the liberal arts and sciences and nursing science to understand global perspectives, stimulate critical thinking, and use current technologies.

  1a. Create three simulation scenarios for adult learners using SimMan technology by Week 2.

  1b. Research three current best practice interventions for failure to rescue policy by Week 1.

2. Make sound decisions in the use of patient information and healthcare technology to design, coordinate, manage, and evaluate nursing care for individuals, families, and populations.

  2a. Investigate early warning system with IT for critical lab values by Week 3.

   2b. Identify four key assessment skills nurses need to include in focused assessments by Week 1.

Objectives: professional project thread includes title, problem statement, plan, overall goal, and your project objectives.

Pediatric Fever Education in the ER

Problem: According to a research study done by Vanguru, Redfern, Wanjiku, Sunallah, Mukundan, & Vemuru (2015) showed that one third of emergency room visits for pediatric patients was for fever. Pediatric fevers are frequent complaints in the emergency room. Parents fail to intervene and administer antipyretics before bringing the child to the ED.

Plan: Plan is to teach and increase the knowledge of parents, guardian, or family members intervene with the care of the child that comes in with a complaint of fever in the emergency room.

Goal: Educate and enhance parents, guardians and family members involved with the knowledge and information needed to be able to manage pediatric fevers at home.

Vanguru, L.,Redfern.R.E., Wanjiku S., Sunallah, R., Mukundan, D., & Vemuru, L. (2015). Comparison of pediatric and general emergency medicine practice patterns in infants with fever. Clinical Pediatrics, 54 (3), 257-263. doi:10.1177/0009922814551133

Project instructions: once you have received faculty approval for your project, you will begin to assemble a formal project. There are two phases in your project development. Each of these phases re-considered "works in progress" as you will post your project to the Rough Draft Project Materials DB. The purpose of the Rough Draft Project Board is to allow faculty and peers to offer you feedback and suggestions for your consideration before the assignment is graded. Over the first two weeks of class, the required 30 clinical hours will be spent conducting project research, plus constructing and making revisions to your problem statement plan, goal, and objectives. As adult learners, you bring a wealth of experience and expertise, and the project DB is where we will share and offer insight to each other's projects, learning as we work together.

At the conclusion of Week 2, your entire project should be complete, and you will post to the Final Project Materials DB. This becomes your project thread for the remainder of class, and all your project work, journals, collaboration assignments, and evidence of completion will be posted under that one thread. Details for the project requirements are also provided in Live Lecture #1 (see recorded lecture, if you could not attend live session).

1. Phase 1: Writing your problem statement, identifying your plan (evidence of completion), and your project goal (due Week 1).

2. Phase 2: Writing your project objectives (due Week 2). Think of the objectives as all the actions you need to do to complete the project.

Here is an example of the final project with objectives and how it will appear on the DB. Note: the example only includes the first two course objectives. Your project objectives will have all 10. This is a content example only, not APA format. Your project must be submitted via Turnitin with proper APA formatting. When you post anything to the DB, the format does not allow for APA; however, you can properly cite all references using APA style.

Label post last name, first, project title: Gile, Cathy, Failure to Rescue

Project title: Failure to Rescue

Problem statement: According to risk management at Happy Hospital, the incidence of failure to rescue is tip 18 percent for 2015. Research study conducted by Jones (2016) has revealed nursing staff nationwide are not "recognizing changes in status early enough for effective treatment to be initiated" (p. 67). This study identified the major factor of failure to rescue was physicians were not being notified of changes in patient condition in a timely manner. In a review of Happy Hospital documentation for the past six months, it was discovered that abnormal vitals and critical labs were documented but not reported to physicians 68 percent of the time. Currently, there is no standard policy for reporting abnormal vitals, changes in assessment findings, or critical labs. The lack of a policy needs to be addressed and staff need to be educated regarding the policy to solve this issue.

Plan: Evidence of completion is: policy, PowerPoint, teaching plan, and chart audit tool.

Goal: Upon completion of the standard of care icy educational session, the primary nurse will analyze changes in patient condition as evidenced by chart audits, which reveal that critical changes in vital signs and labs are reported to physicians more than 95 percent over the next six Months.

Jones, H. F. (2015). Failure to rescue: Cause an effects. Journal of Quality Assurance, 55(5), 8-96.

Writing your objectives is covered in last week's live lecture.

Find recording go to "live lecture" tab and look for "recorded lectures".

Initially post to rough draft. If you would like some individualized helpful tips on your objectives, please get them posted early (this means before the weekend). The class (myself included) will offer feedback on your objectives only if you allow time for review.

You will list all ten course objectives and then con-elate (what steps to complete your objectives) that you need to accomplish. Think of
the 10 course objectives and related those to your 10 project objectives. These are the phases and steps of actions you must take to complete in order to icomplete your project. Do not make these more complicated than they need to be. Don't get confused these are your objectives not the participants' in your project.

NOTE: Start the section for your objectives with this sentence "Upon completion of NUR 456 Professional Practice Project, the student will be able to complete the following objectives as evidenced by documentation in discussion boards, clinical evaluations, feedback from preceptor, fellow students, and faculty:"

This will complete your objectives so you do not need to repeat, condition, who, and criterion for each individual objective. Even- project objective must start with one of Bloom's actions verb and week of completion.

Your entire project thread should be complete with project title, problem statement, plan, overall goal, and now the objectives Once your project is complete with objectives (week 2) and ready for grading you will paste to the new board 'final project materials.

Outstanding - One of the best in class. Your title, problem statement, plan, and overall project goal And objectives are clear, concise, and well done.

The problem statement includes relevant and pertinent data, which validates the need for the project. The problem statement is well developed and has clear, concise description of problem with supporting data, literature references, etc.

It outlines why it is important to solve the problem.

The plan identifies what you will be producing for evidence of completion in Week 7.

The goal is one sentence, which includes condition, who, performance, and criterion all appropriately presented. The goal is focused at your target audience.

The program objectives correspond and address the 10 course objectives. Utilizes Bloom's taxonomy. All objectives are measurable with expected week of completion and will aid in final evaluation of project.

Uses proper APA style. Should be in proper APA format (see APA bubble sheet and manual). You must upload document or format will be incorrect.

It will probably be 4 pages.

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