These are discussion questions: Competencies, Practical Results, and Organizational Interventions
We know that change leadership skills need to become polished through practice, in order to have impact. Please answer the following question with that in mind.
Question 1. What is the relationship between essential change leader competencies and practical results regarding organizational interventions?
Diversity & Change
question 1. What specific differences stand out in your workplace? For example:
- Traditional diversity issues of culture, gender, generation, race, ethnicity, etc.
- Primary organizational culture (behavior) vs. subcultures (behavior ) (i.e., subsidiaries, divisions, departments, units, etc.)
Question 2. Is your point of view counter-cultural and unique? If so, how do you respond to pressures to conform to organizational norms? if not could you do to "rock-the-boat" in a way that helps the organization develop or progress?