
Thermal simulations-solar shading

Better thermal simulations are made on an hourly basis and that can only be done with computer simulations. So we are going to cimolate thermal loads on a simple building.

Start with the solar shading example named "Sim Space-Shading":

1. The building is 10m (L) x 10m (W) x 2.5m (H). (Assume only one zone for the building)

2. There is one window 1 m height x 2.5 in width facing north and the bottom of the window is 1 m from the ground

3. The heater set point temperance is: I2AM-7AM =10C. 7:00A.M-6PM =18C, 6:00PM-9PM 16C, 9PM-12AM = 10C

4. The cooler set point temperature is: I2AM-7AM = 32C, 7:OOAM-6PM = 25C. 6:OOPM-9PM = 28C, 9PM-12AM a 32C.

5. Ventilation set point: 12AM-7AM = 0.1/hr 7:OOAM-6PM = 1 hr 6:OOPM-9PM = 0.5 hr 9PM- 12AM = 0.1 hr Assume the building is insulated.

6. Bestested lightweight materials of the roof floor, and wall are used (default)

7. Overhang with width of lm and length of 8m is installed 2.5m from the ground (at the roof). The overhang gap. left and right extension are 0.25m 0.5m, and 0.5m.

8. The building is located Albuquerque.

Calculate the heating and cooling needed for the months of March through lime and make a cirmilition hour by hour for each of these 4 months

Analyze bow the beating and cooling load are influenced by the following-.

- Overhang length and inch (increase and reduce the size by 20% on each dimension)

- Window size (increase and reduce the length and width by 20%)

-  If a wingwall is used

- The orientation of the window (South west east)

- If different materials of the roof, floor and wall are used
Based on what you learned which of these has the largest effect on the building HVAC load?

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Mechanical Engineering: Thermal simulations-solar shading
Reference No:- TGS01238394

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