Thermal expansion of metals with temperature


Many different kinds of data can be modeled using polynomial functions. An example of a polynomial function would be gas mileage for an automobile. If we compare gas mileage at two different speeds, V1 and V2, the gas required varies as (V1/V2), raised to the third power, (V1/V2)3.

Rational functions are also useful. For example, a cubic/cubic model can be used to explain the thermal expansion of metals with temperature.

Rational functions have been used to describe problems as diverse as the movement of blood through the body to how to produce items at the lowest possible cost.

Create a set of data that can be modeled as a polynomial function. Please provide a reference to the data. Plot the data using Microsoft Excel including the equation for the fit. Discuss how closely the data seem to match to the best fit line. Do the same for data that can be modeled using a rational function. Include in your answer how this can be used in a real-life application.

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Other Subject: Thermal expansion of metals with temperature
Reference No:- TGS01930597

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