
Thermal breakdown mechanism in the solid dielectrics

1) Explain the Townsend’s first and second ionization coefficients. Describe Townsend’s criterion for a spark.

2) Explain what is meant by the corona discharge? Describe clearly Anode and Cathode coronas.

3) Specify different process that leads to the formation of bubbles in the liquid dielectrics and Describe clearly about the cavity breakdown mechanism within the liquid dielectrics.

4) Describe the clearly Thermal breakdown mechanism in the Solid dielectrics.

5) Explain about the operation, application and limitation of the Van de Graf Generator with the help of suitable diagram.

6) Explain the construction, principle of the operation and application of the multistage Marx Impulse Generator.

7) Describe the principle of operation of an Electrostatic Voltmeter with neat diagram. Explain its benefits and limitations for the high voltage measurements.

8) Describe how the sphere gap is used to measure the peak value
of the voltages.

9) Describe different tests to be carried out on the insulator with neat diagram.

10) Describe the significance of the RIV measurement for EHV power apparatus.

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Electrical Engineering: Thermal breakdown mechanism in the solid dielectrics
Reference No:- TGS013212

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