
There seems to be an escalation of non-binding votes by

Prepare a paper for FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

Please, discuss and analyze one of the following two topics (your choice of topic). Be sure to state an opinion and defend your stance: 3-5 pages.

Topic 1: There seems to be an escalation of non-binding votes by public companies' shareholders proactively fighting executive pay. However, not much seems to change in executive pay. Please, discuss the challenges surrounding the issue at stake and propose solutions.

Topic 2: Libertarians have long taken an issue with pharmaceutical companies and their desire to develop "maintenance" drugs only. According to some critics, the new hepatitis vaccine is the first drug in 50 years that actually cures something. Some are adamant about the notion that vaccines are "bad" for business because they provide a one-time cure and no recurring revenue. Please, discuss the topic from the point of view of all stakeholders involved: patients, Big Pharma, researchers, and insurance companies. Provide solutions.

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Financial Management: There seems to be an escalation of non-binding votes by
Reference No:- TGS01589153

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