
There is no strict style requirement as content is more

This is a medical computer science research paper. I can provide a sample on the topic of "Is there any strategies to reduce the radiation exposure from CT scan" if you want. You are more than welcome to choose your own topic.

It has to be in original complete sentence. Please no plagiarism. Let me know if you are able to do complete the task.

Choose a topic in the area of Medical/health Computing, and do a deeper research on it, and write a 10-15 page "mini research paper" about it.

Your paper may include some of the following sections (but not limited to): Title, Abstract, Introduction, Challenges, Reviews, Solutions, Discussions, Future Perspectives, Conclusions, and Reference. Use the "best practice" in writing research papers.

There is no strict style requirement as content is more important than the style. Common-sense practice for ease of reading, such as 11 or 12 font size, single to 1.5 spacing, and consistent reference style is fine. Figures and tables should be inserted within the text (not at the end), with proper captions.

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Business Economics: There is no strict style requirement as content is more
Reference No:- TGS02252969

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