
There is no additional match if the adp of the nhces is 3

1. Dustin, who is 48 years old, works for Pinnacle Inc., with a salary of $300,000, a car allowance, and a very nice expense account. Pinnacle is a Fortune 1,000 company that sponsors a defined benefit plan that pays 2 percent times years of participation times the average of the three final years of compensation. In addition, Pinnacle sponsors a 401(k) / profit sharing plan and contributes 18% of employees salary to the profit sharing plan. There is no additional match. If the ADP of the NHCEs is 3%, what is the maximum that Dustin can defer this year (2017)?

1. $5,400.

2. $13,500.

3. $15,000.

4. $18,000.

2. Jacques, who is age 45, has just resigned from his current job. He worked for Ace, which sponsors a cash balance plan and a standard 401(k) plan. Each of the plans uses the longest permitted vesting schedule and both plans are top heavy. He has a balance of $40,000 in the cash balance plan, has deferred $20,000 into the 401(k) plan and has employer matching contributions of $10,000. If he has been employed for three years, but only participating in the plans for the last two years, how much does he keep if he leaves today?

1. $20,000.

2. $30,000.

3. $60,000.

4. $64,000.

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Financial Management: There is no additional match if the adp of the nhces is 3
Reference No:- TGS02747566

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