1. It is believed that a ring of old stars around the Milky Waymight have been formed by a previous merger of twoGalaxies.
A True
B False
2. What name is given to a galaxy with a smooth distribution ofbrightness and a round, spherical shape?
B Sa
C E0
D E7
3. There is little or no interstellar dust or gas in which of the following galaxy types?
A Spirals.
B Barred spirals.
C Ellipticals.
D Irregulars.
4. Dwarf galaxies contain only dwarf stars.
A True
B False
5. According to the Hubble classification scheme, an E3galaxy
A has a shortercentral bar in its disk than an E5 galaxy.
B has more tightly woundspiral arms than an E5 galaxy.
C is rounder-looking thanan E5 galaxy.
D is flatter-looking thanan E5 galaxy.
6. Who developed the "tuning-fork" diagram connecting the different shapes of elliptical and spiral galaxies?
A EdwinHubble.
B StephenHawking.
C EjnarHertzsprung.
D MartinSchwarzschild.