
There is increasing concern about consumer privacy on

Answer each of the following questions in 2-3 paragraphs. Be sure to provide the links to the research that you use in formulating your answers.

1. There is increasing concern about consumer privacy on social networking sites such as Facebook. How do you feel about privacy on social networks? Is allowing personal information to be available to others without a user's specific per-mission unethical? Should the network owners do more to protect users' privacy? Should there be greater government regulation or should] the sites be free to develop as they want to meet the needs of users?How much responsibility shouldusers accept in protecting their own private information?

2. Marketing seems to be moving at breakneck speed toward greater use of the Internet. Where do you think this is headed? Will social media become even more important in the future? Will some types of social media grow in popularity and usefulness to marketers while others decline? What are the major factors in the growth or decline of an individual social media site?

3. Recently Twitter has joined other Internet sites in selling preferred positions on the site to generate revenue. Do you feel that such revenue-generating activities make sites such as Twitter less attractive? If you know that the top comments on a site have their positions because firms paid for them, are you likely to change your use of the sites? Are there other ways that an Internet site such as Twitter can generate revenue?

4. While marketers are spending less in mass media advertising today than in previous times, TV, radio, magazine, and newspaper advertising remains an important means of communicating with customers for many products. What products do you think most benefit from mass media advertising? Why is this so? Do you feel traditional advertising will continue to decline in importance as a means for marketing communication or will it rebound in the future?

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Business Management: There is increasing concern about consumer privacy on
Reference No:- TGS02394003

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