
There is an insightful discussion of the interventions

This is about my final paper. You will write a final paper that analyzes how Micronesian in Hawaii (weareoceania.org)a particular educational intervention, related to participants' cultural background, influences their learning, achievement, or educational engagement. In your paper, you will describe the intervention and its purpose, explain how culture is involved. You will discuss the effects of intervention, including results from either an interview with someone who is involved in the intervention or who is studying it or an observation that you made of the intervention. I will help you select an appropriate intervention to investigate and you should get my approval of your topic. (Micronesian)

Also, just pretend that you were interview a person who are in this department which is weareoceania (WAO) and including a clear description of the interview, including who was interviewed and why, relevant background information about the interviewee, where it occurred, for how long, and how you recorded it. The interview questions are in an appendix.

Here is rubric.

1. There is a clear description of the issue that the intervention is designed to address. It is clear how the issue or intervention is related to culture and participants' learning, achievement, or engagement.

2. There is an insightful description of the intervention, including details on how it is applied and who participates in it. There is a clear discussion of relevant background information, such as how and when the program developed.

3. There is a clear description of the interview, including who was interviewed and why, relevant background information about the interviewee, where it occurred, for how long, and how you recorded it. The interview questions are in an appendix.

4. There is a clear description of the observation, including its focus, when and where it occurred, for how long, and how the observations were recorded.

5. There is an insightful discussion of an appropriate psychological or educational theory that supports why the intervention is proposed to work

6. There is an insightful discussion of the intervention's outcomes, including results from the interview or observation and information from 8 or more scholarly articles or reports.

7. The writing is clear and well organized.

8. There are relatively few errors of APA style and other writing conventions.

Your paper should be approximately 8-10 pages, typed, doubled-spaced (with page numbers) applying stylistic conventions specified by the American Psychological Association (2010). You should include at least 8 scholarly articles or reports on the intervention or related information.

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Dissertation: There is an insightful discussion of the interventions
Reference No:- TGS02466683

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