
There is always and probably always will be a push and pull

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I believe that with all the news going around there is opportunity for us as users and companies to be wary of the vulnerabilities as they become known.

For example, Google rolled out an update yesterday (July 24th) that all websites that were not HTTPS would be flagged to users as 'Not Secure'.

This of course meaning that there is no certificate and thus the traffic is not encrypted. As outlined by Mohit Kumar, Google has been working this change over the last couple years so as not to apply it as a slap in the face of system administrators everywhere, giving time for those sites that are strictly HTTP time to become HTTPS and help secure the traffic (Kumar, 2018). We can pray it is the white hat hackers mostly or grey hat hackers working on a more noble swing who find the vulnerabilities and not the black hat hackers who are exploiting them maliciously.

There is always and probably always will be a push and pull when it comes to security. History has shown how we have always pushed to be better, build better and there is always some hacker in whatever form they appear in who utilize a system or invention in ways it was not designed to be used.

A non-technical example is the start of the frisbee which was originally just a pie tin for the Frisbie Pie Company (Heilpern, 2016). In our studies we have seen and read where security gets defined, someone breaks that security or finds a flaw and then the security gets rebuilt and redefined. Back and forth each side pushing the other to excel better then before.

I think this proves that we will not see the end of breaches or vulnerabilities as we are imperfect beings in an imperfect world and this means there will be no perfect security, no perfect software. But we will press on and continue the cycle as we try to get closer to perfect systems.

We have to continue striving to find and fix vulnerabilities because hackers will continue to poke and prod looking for loop holes and weaknesses. Ephesians says, "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.

But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says," (Ephesians 5:11-13 ESV).

This verse further drives home that we must expose the flaws and vulnerabilities so that they can be patched and we can continue to protect our data and information from those who would do us harm. Heilpern, W. (2016, April 01).

Article 1- 11 famous products that were originally intended for a completely different purpose. Kumar, M. (2018, July 24).

Article 2- From today, Google Chrome starts marking all non-HTTPS sites 'Not Secure'.

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Computer Network Security: There is always and probably always will be a push and pull
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