
There is a school that has a large number of clubs you will

Project Assignment: Student Clubs

This project is a group project assignment. You should work in groups of two or three. All groups need to work together closely throughout the process, writing all of the code together. Note: You are required to work in pairs or triples.

Files: Provided files mentioned in the project specification are under the Files/Projects/Project1 in Canvas.

Background: There is a school that has a large number of clubs. Every student belongs to at least one club, but most belong to more than one club. You will be writing a java application to store and calculate information about the students at this school.

Task: You will write a number of java classes.

The first class will be called Student. It will have fields long idNumber, Sting name, and boolean[] inGroup and implement the interface DataItem (which will be provided to you).

The second class will be called GroupData which will be a data structure which implements the interface DataStructOfItemsInGroups (which will be provided). You may choose which data structure you want to use , (e.g. Linked List (written from sratch by yourself), Ordered Vector (either written from scratch by yourself or utilizing java.util.Vector). You will use it to hold items of type Student. However, it should be written to allow any item of type DataStructOfItemsInGroups.

The final class will be called Driver and will allow the user to interact with the program. This class should initially look for a file called data.txt and if the file is present then it should add all students from this file to the data structure. A sample data file and a sample interaction will be provided. The data file has one student per line with each line formatted: student id number, student name, boolean of whether in each club.


Submission: You should submit all your files in Canvas. Be sure to read (and follow) the coding guidelines.

Cheating: You can discuss this project with other students. You can explain what needs to be done and give suggestions on how to do it. You cannot share source code. If two projects are submitted which show significant and troubling similarity in source code then both individuals will be punished.

What to Turn In

You should turn in the following electronically into canvas: The files that make up your program.

A file status.txt that contains the following:

The status of your project (e.g. compiles or not, works correctly with producing all correct answers). A brief summary of how to operate your program. You should be sure to describe how to indicate the end of the input data.

A brief summary of the data structures and algorithms you finally used. In particular, you should give a summary of the major design decisions you have made in creating your data structure, and any major changes that were needed as your design evolved to create the final program. This needs not be long, but it should describe major decisions you made and any surprises you encountered that required changes as you developed the code.

In addition, if you worked with a partner,

1) only one partner needs to submit the code electronically.
2) Be sure that all partners' names are listed in all files.
3) Include in your status.txt file a description of how you developed and tested your code. If you divided it into pieces, describe that. If you worked on everything together, describe the actual process used - how long you talked about what, how long and in what order you wrote and tested the code. Be sure to describe at least one good thing and one bad thing about the process of working together.

Attachment:- Data-Item.rar

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JAVA Programming: There is a school that has a large number of clubs you will
Reference No:- TGS02665796

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