10 mg of magnesium metal, Mg, and 30 ml of hydrochloric acid, HCl, are added to 300 ml of water, H2O. After the hydrogen has evolved, the following was produced: 0.000829 g of hydrogen gas, H2; 2.157657 g of hydrogen chloride, HCl; 0.039173 g of magnesium chloride, MgCl2; and 330.0000 g of water, H2O.
There is a one to one relationship between the number of moles of hydrogen gas evolved and the moles of Magnesium metal consumed in the reaction, therefore moles of H2 evolved = moles Mg consumed and the atomic weight of Mg = weight of Mg consumed/moles of H2 evolved.
What is theamount og H2 evolved?
What is the amount of Mg consumed?
What is the atomic weight of Mg?