Change Management (300-400 words please)
• There is a list of 14 reasons why some employees may resist change. Choose the two primary reasons that you believe people resist change, and then, offer one strategy an organization may pursue to lessen resistance in that particular circumstance.
• Explain why the strategy you chose would work best in this particular circumstance.
14 Reasons: (Pick 2)
Dislike of Change
Discomfort with Uncertainty
Perceived Negative Effect of Interest
Attachment to the Established Organizational Culture/ Identity
Perceived Breach of Psychological Contract
Lack of Conviction That Change is Needed
Lack of Clarity as to What is Expected
Belief That the Specific Change Being Proposed is Inappropriate
Belief That the Timing is Wrong
Excessive Change
Cumulative Effect of Other Changes in One’s Life
Perceived Clash with Ethics
Reaction to the Experience of Previous Changes
Disagreement with the Way the Change Is Being Managed
Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Akin, G. (2009). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.