
There are various rising concerns to the continuous

1) Sandra:

Big tobacco is a major contribution to the millions of deaths experienced worldwide owing to the deadly diseases like lung cancer which arise as a result of tobacco consumption (Laverack, 2013).

These diseases paralyses a community in the sense that the sick members cannot work and contribute to community activities and the community has to use a lot of resources in taking care of the sick as well as the orphans that are left behind as the disease wipes away family members. These resources could have been utilized to develop the community in other ways. The overall effect of these to a community is high levels of poverty and low production levels.

Bearing in mind the high growth of the tobacco companies and their enticing advertisements to increase the sales of the deadly tobacco products, activism by advanced practice nurses is paramount to effective solutions of the big tobacco. One of the ways the nurse can employ in eliminating the effects of big tobacco to a community is though helping victims quit smoking.

This can be done through guidance and counseling by the nurses at an individual level (Panda et al, 2013). The nurses should make clear the dangers associated with smoking to an individual and provide the resources that are required to stop victims from smoking. They should also conduct follow up programs of the victims or patient being counseled.

The other way the nurses can help prevent the effects of Big tobacco to a community is by getting clear knowledge of the tobacco companies strategies of increasing their sales, their efforts to prevent the efforts of the nurses and public health policies against the products. This will be paramount in their education campaigns in the media, at individual level and at the community level as it will help them increase their advocacy skills in these campaigns (Panda et al, 2013).


Laverack, G. (2013). Health activism: foundations and strategies. Sage.

Panda, R., & Jena, P. K. (2013). Examining physicians' preparedness for tobacco cessation services in India: findings from primary care public health facilities in two Indian states. The Australasian medical journal, 6(3), 115.

2) Elizabeth:

Health Improvement

There are various rising concerns to the continuous intoxication of the environment, leading to more complications each day. One of the main concerns raised concerns tobacco. Tobacco poses a serious challenge in the community, since smoking of cigarettes continues to affect even non-smokers (Ghai, Brown, & Peel, 2015). Some of the main ways of alleviate this problem is by discussing ways to curb the problem in the society.

The major strategy in which advanced practice nurses can help prevent the problem is by massive education of the community on the adverse effects of tobacco, not only to health but also socially.This can be demonstrated by improvising on cigarette designs, showing family members towards the end of the part in the smoker's mouth, and with each puff, the life of the family members is at risk. Such drawings will arouse a smoker's sense of responsibility, and tend to take care of family more.

Similar campaigns can be staged in smokers' rooms, where artists could paint graves to indicate the dangers of smoking. In political activism, practicing nurses should advocate for increase in the taxes on tobacco so as to deter importation or consumption by addicts. Sometimes, people smoke due to the affordability of the cigars (Duffy, 2016), but on the absence of the cigar, such people would desist from smoking, or practically reduce the habits.

There are some innovative acts that could substitute for addicts. These could include creating imposter cigars that addicts could use to curb their desires. Through such measures, tobacco consumption would be reduced by a great magnitude, thereby improving the overall health of community members.


Duffy, J. R. (2016). Professional practice models in nursing: Successful health system integration. Ghai, K., Brown, K., & Peel (Ont. : Regional municipality). (2015). Health effects from the use of, and exposure to, tobacco and non-tobacco waterpipes.

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