
There are two classic types of argument arguments of value

Question: NARROW TOPIC: You need to narrow your topic. You don't want a very general paper on a huge topic; you want a focused topic and detailed information on that don't get too narrow or you will not be able to develop your ideas.

- There are two classic types of argument: arguments of value and arguments of policy.

- Medical ethics topics pose the interesting challenge of often having elements of both types of arguments.

- Argument of Value: This is based on ethics, values and taste.

- For this reason, it's very difficult to persuade someone of your opinion.

- Reviews of music, food, films or books are arguments of value.

- Arguments of Policy: These are arguments about how something should be handled.

- One example is a campus smoking policy.

Body Paragraphs: estimate 2/3 page maximum. You need several main points. Break some of your main points into sub points with each being developed into its own paragraph. (Develop with quotes, facts, information)

- DO NOT STRUCTURE BODY PARAGRAPHS: Positive aspects/negative aspects

- Body Paragraphs should be separate, specific points about your topic

SAMPLE PAPER TOPICS: I am defining medical ethics rather broadly so something where new developments in science have impacted ethics would be fine.

• Tuskegee syphilis study

• Cloning extinct animals

• Designer babies

• Gender testing of athletes (continued)

• organ donation (should organs be for sale? Medical tourism: Organs from people in impoverished countries?)

• surrogate mother/parents

• gender assignment to newborns

• genetically modified food/food labelling

• Patents on genes and gene products

• Use of knowledge of a person's genome (health care, jobs, premarital)

• Xenotransplantation (organ transplants between species)

• Cloning technologies for infertile couples

• Growth enhancements (as in growth hormones) for meat animals

• Experimental gene therapy use in humans

• Frozen embryo ownership and/or disposal

• Use of information from the Human Genome Research Project

• Transgenics and evolution

• Use of cells/tissues removed during surgical processes or after death (Henrietta Lacks and others)

• Use of biological agents in bio-terrorism

• Irradiation of our food supply

• Use of bioengineered (transgenic) crops to feed humans (safety)

• Genetically altered fish as a protein source

• Fish farming and its effect on the environment

• DNA vaccines to control disease

• Implantable brain chips

• Use of biotechnology to extend age in humans

• Should it be mandatory to report infectious diseases?

• Should vaccines be mandatory? MMR, HPV, Flu, etc.

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Management Theories: There are two classic types of argument arguments of value
Reference No:- TGS02391911

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