1. There are three major classes of Cephalopods. Which of the following is a Cephalopod?
a. Squid
b. Conch
c. Clam
d. Snail
2. Which type of Cnidarian body plan is less motile?
a. larvae
b. worm
c. Polyp
d. medusa
3. What moves the Gastric Mill?
A. wings
B. tendons
C. ligaments
D. muscles
4. What are the structures called where blood enters the heart?
A. artia
B. ostium
C. arteries
D. veins
5. Where is food ground up?
A. pyloric stomach
B. gastric stomach
C. gizzard
D. crop
6. What provides the major force for backward swimming?
A. uropods
B. chelopeds
C. telson
D. rostrum
7. What muscle causes the mandibles to come together?
A. mandibular adductor muscles
B. mandibular chewing muscles
C. abdominal flexor muscles
D. all of the above
8. What covers the Brachial Chamber?
A. carapace
B. rostrum
C. uropods
D. telson
9. What organs excrete excess Water and Ammonia?
A. rostrum
B. green glands
C. malpighian tubules
D. chelipeds
10. Where does the female store sperm until she lays her eggs?
A. seminal vesicle
B. uterus
C. seminal receptacle
D. vagina
11. What are the first pair of walking legs called?
A. stilters
B. swimmerets
C. pleopods
D. chelipeds
12. The male genital opening is located at the base of which pair of walking legs?
A. first
B. third
C. fifth
D. seventh
13. The female genital opening is located at the base of which pair of walking legs?
A. first
B. third
C. fifth
D. seventh
14. How many pair of uropods does a crayfish have?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
15. What is the posterior-most extension of the last body segment called?
A. telson
B. uropods
C. rostrum
D. carapace
16. What are the telson and Uropods used for?
A. forward swimming
B. food gathering
C. pollen collection
D. rapid backward motion to escape
17. What name is given to the paired appendages of the abdomen?
A. chelipeds and swimmerets
B. swimmerets and antennae
C. swimmerets and uropods
D. uropods and pleopods
18. What is the name of the groove between the head and the thorax called?
A. oral groove
B. cephalic groove
C. terminal groove
D. expulsotory groove
19. What covers the Cephalothorax
A. carapace
B. rostrum
C. gill plate
D. gastric mill
20. What is the sharp front extension of the carapace called?
A. cheliped
B. rostrum
C. antennae
D. swimmeret
21. Name 2 different kinds of sensory organs of the crayfish.
A. antennae and eyes
B. legs and uropods
C. rostrum and eyes
D. eyes and legs
22. Which appendages are used for defense and food handling?
A. rostrum
B. antennae
C. walking legs
D. chelipeds
23. How many pair of swimmerets does a crayfish have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
24. How many pair of walking legs does a grayfish have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
25. Which swimmerets are adapted for sperm transfer in the male crayfish?
A. the first 2 pair
B. the last 2 pair
C. the first and last pair
D. all of them