
There are numerous reasons why crowdfunding would be

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Q1. Explain why CF would be useful for especially for your client.

There are numerous reasons why crowdfunding would be suitable and beneficial for Save the children Australia. 

  • Crowdfunding would be very useful for "Save the children" because this organisation protects children from harm & help to provide quality education and health services.
  • In Australia, billions of children are in danger of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence - at schools, homes, streets, "Save the children" keeps the most susceptible children safe from harm.Save the children work to reduce the harm kids experience during and after an emergency and ensure kids are protected from contributing in armed forces or groups, stay together with their relations and are not subject to exploitation and sexual abuse.
  • "Save the children" is serving from more than 90 years in 31 different countries including Australia. They are a not for profit organisation children welfare society, that work towards the betterment of children in Australia. They are working on a big scale still they need funds because save the children helping billions of children.
  • Save the children got numerous unique strategies to help children's. This organisation is reliable and best to help children's, according to our research "Save the children" organisation had so many real stories about their hard work & commitment to help children.

Q2. Strategy to implement CF into your client's business overall strategic plan

In the modern world, crowdfunding is a worldwide rising phenomenon. Crowdfunding usually involves dispersal awareness and making publicity by using social techniques, social networks, relevant blogs and reaching out to the communities. Before actually going live on the website, the team went on investigative various fundraising sites. The conclusion of the survey was that website involves of a wider target market and bigger online rush was Go-fund-me.

Preparing for the launch

Inform ahead of time - After deciding what to do, the team went on informing their peers and close relations in advance of the campaign. 

1. Sign up with Go-Fund-Me account to do crowdfunding for Save the children Australia.

2. Team fostered on contacts building making the use of various social networking sites such as, WhatsApp, Facebook.  This included sharing the crowdfunding link on social network sites and asking people and users to share the link and donate as much they can to help the children.

3. Evaluating and targeting the network - as crowdfunding is all about marketing to your network, team went on putting all thenetworks to best of use.

4. Increase awareness of eco-friendly entertainment option. (Save the children)

Key Marketing/Outreach tools used -

Personal Email - Personal emails were sent to closest first tire relations. This included a brief summary about the project and a link to the fundraising page.

Social Media - Team targeted the wider social group with the help of crowdfunding and social-networking sites

Media outstretch and Paid ads - The team tried to broadcast Save the children campaign on radio. This idea was given up later on when the actual cost involved was found to be too high.

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Dissertation: There are numerous reasons why crowdfunding would be
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