
There are many ways to collect data for survey research

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What did you learn about surveys?

After visiting the website, I found out that surveys are a great tool for marketing research to improve companies sales or services. Also, surveys use data collected from different groups of people based on two different approaches by questionnaires or interviews. Perhaps, Sills and Song mention "The rapid expansion of Internet users has given Web-based surveys the potential to become a powerful tool in survey research."(Sills, & Song, 2002, February 01). Nowadays, the internet had facilitated surveys research which gives more access to collect data from different sectors and groups, especially using social media and emails.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Mail, telephone interviews, and in-person interviews?

There are many ways to collect data for survey research, for example by Mail, telephone interviews, and in-person interviews. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages.

Mail advantages: This method allows to collect data without any influence from the interviewer and send surveys by Mail to a selected region or population saving time and lowering costs. Perhaps, big disadvantages are that most of the surveys will end in the garbage with other unwanted Mail from recipients, and it will take a long time to get the surveys by Mail back for further analysis. Surveys by phone have the advantages to reach significant amount people per day at lower cost from different states at the same time. Perhaps, phone calls disadvantages are that many people will not participate in surveys by phone, lose connection, people are afraid of identity theft, busy working, or using their phones to be involved in social media, and will not survey unless they get something in return. Last, in-person interview advantages are that the collection of data is face to face and interviewees will get a better understanding from interviewers questions. Perhaps, the in-person interview has many disadvantages; it is more expensive than other methods, only limited people per day can be interviewed, and people rejecting to participate.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of how we collect survey data?

The advantages of how we collect survey data depending on the method used. Collecting survey data at low cost and quantity of interviewees will be the most advantageous factor of collecting survey data. For example, Mails, emails, and phone calls have lower cost and are easy to collect for faster analysis. Disadvantages include lacking interest from people to respond emails, letters, or answer unknown phone calls to participate in surveys. Also, last elections "Trump also picked up likely Electoral College votes in the forecast, although FiveThirtyEight still shows Clinton winning the necessary 270 easily: 319 votes to 218." (Loffredo, 2016, September 30). All polls gave as winner Hillary Clinton, but many people who were asked did not want to accept that they will vote for Trump because they will be judged as racist, bigot, or despicable person, and that affect the accuracy of polls drastically, even Trump and Hilary were surprised by the results. It was like the turtle and rabbit story, Democrats got overconfident by the polls and didn't campaign enough, and many didn't see the need to vote and Republicans increase rallies per day everywhere and most of them went and vote.


Loffredo, N. (2016, September 30). Today in presidential election polls: October 30, 2016.

Sills, S. J., & Song, C. (2002, February 01). Innovations in Survey Research. Sage Journals.

Trochim, W. (2006, October 20). Types of Surveys. Research Methods Knowledge Base.

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Accounting Basics: There are many ways to collect data for survey research
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