
There are many occasions however when stake holder groups



Thanks for sharing. You mention in your post the idea of identification of stakeholders needs and dealing with conflict I would love for you to share ways you have seen leaders deal with conflict and identify stakeholders needs.


Reynolds, Schultz and Hekman (2006)argue that organizations establish and maintain relationships with many constituent groups and it can engender and maintain the support of these groups through the consideration and balancing of their various interests. There are many occasions however, when stake holder groups establish and maintain partnerships or form collaborative relationships with other stakeholder groups. The question therefore is why do stake holders of an organization seek out other stakeholder groups for the purpose of the formation of partnerships?

We are reminded by Lawrence and Weber (2014) that all stakeholders do not operate at the same level nor do they have the same sources of power. Some stakeholders are very powerful bodies given the role that each respective stakeholders plays at the organizational level. It stands to reason therefore that many stakeholders would form partnerships with others to increase their bargaining power so that they can achieve their mutual objectives. Lawrence and Weber (2014) argue that stake holders have different resources strengths and weaknesses and thus by combining their strengths, they can achieve success and their common objectives. In other words partnering with an ally makes achieving one's objectives more feasible.

Stake holders have been partnering, not only with other stakeholders, but also with other organizations particularly at the level of the public domain which are sometimes referred to as public/ private partnerships. These partnerships are becoming increasingly popular, because they appear to be a solution to a number of concerns to society particularly as it pertains to the building of trust effectiveness in problem solving, empowerment and local ownership. Pishchikova (2014)

Of course the initiative for development of these partnerships has not always been at the behest of the stakeholders. Notwithstanding they willingly form these partnerships because it is in their best interest and that of society to form them.

Siddiki and Goel (2015) underscores the fact that in many instances the engagement of multi stakeholders by an organization particularly public organizations allows governments to harness or mobilize a greater amount of resources , skills and expertise to bring to bear on a particular problem or to find solutions for that problem. Not only do they ensure that solutions are found but that in most instances such solutions are appropriate to the problem.

Stakeholders are imbued with different skill levels and they are composed of a variety of distinct social groups each with the ability to see various issues from a different vantage point. Through the formation of partnerships with these entities, it allows an organization to see the solutions to an issue or problem from various angles.

Good decision making is not always the function of just organizational actors but the incorporation of the views of the various stakeholder partnerships, can assist in the overall quality of a decision or the solution to a problem and may even contribute to organizational effectiveness.


Lawrence A T and Weber J (2014) Stakeholders Business and society, Stakeholders ethics, Public policy 14(1d) New York, New York, MC Graw Hill/ IRWIN

Reynolds J C, Schultz C F and Hekman R D (2006) Stakeholders theory and managerial decision making constraints and implications of balancing stakeholder interests. Journal of Business Ethics.64 (4)doi.10:.1007/s10551-005-5493-2

Pishchikova K (2006) Greater synergy and improved collaboration. Do complex Partnerships deliver on the promise in the countries emerging from armed conflict? Internal Journal of Voluntary and non Profit Organizations. 25(1) 2-27.doi.10:1010/s11266-012-9313-x
Siddiki S and Goel S (2015) A stakeholders' analysis of the US marine aquaculture partnerships. Marine Policy 5793-102.doi:10.1010/j Marpol 2015.03.006.


Stakeholders often form partnerships across organizations in order to have increased influence within the organization. Stakeholder partnerships are a way for stakeholders to gain additional power within an organization. Partnerships can be particularly effective when stakeholders have common interest and band together to get their common need met. One way in which organizations identify the relevance of their stakeholders is by conducting stakeholder analysis. Stakeholder analysis involves understanding the nature of the stakeholders' interests, power, legitimacy, and links with one another (Lawrence & Weber, 2014). Partnerships can contribute to organizational effectiveness. According to Miliam&Feyerherm (2015) given the agendas that members bring to collaborations they participate in, managers are in a better position to serve as the glue for collaborations they serve. When stakeholders are in agreement the decision making process can be simplified by organizational leaders.

Lawrence, A. T., & Weber, J. (2014). Business and society: Stakeholders, ethics, public policy (14th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Milam, R., &Feyerherm, A. (2015). Manager influence on multi-party collaborative change initiatives. OD Practitioner, 47(4), 48-53.

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