
There are many motels in a country

2. Identifythe entities, attributes, relationships and primary key for the following description and draw an ER diagram. 

? There are many motels in a country. Each motel is identified by its id, name. A motel is located at a particular address. Address is identified by town, street and postcode. Each motel provides many rooms. Rooms are identified by Room no. and phone and type . A motel has many services available with it. Services are identified by its name and price.
? Painters (described by their name and ID) can paint many paintings; each painting (described by their name and price) is painted by one painter. A gallery (described by their name, address, openingdate) can have many paintings. A painting can be exhibited by a gallery.

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Basic Computer Science: There are many motels in a country
Reference No:- TGS082994

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