There are a number of problems within the criminal justice system. Choose a current problem within the criminal justice system as the topic of your essay.
Describe the problem, detail why the problem is occurring, and develop at least three solutions to the problem that if implemented would assist in resolving the problem or at least mitigating the negative effects.
If you are not certain on whether to write about a topic or need help picking a topic, ask the course instructor.
Some ideas to consider when choosing a topic include:
Community/police lack of trust
Use of force and officer involved shootings
Lack of officer staffing (many departments are still short officers)
Parolee and probationer recidivism rates
Active assailant prevention
The "Pipeline to Prisons" movement
Mass incarceration and prison overcrowding (California is a good example of this)
Misconduct by law enforcement
Any other problem in the criminal justice system
Essay Instructions:
Review the grading rubric for this assignment so that you understand how the assignment will be graded.
Papers should be 1000 to 1200 words written (not including references in this count)
Papers should be double spaced
Papers should follow MLA paper guidelines. If you are uncertain about MLA, there are numerous guidelines on-line that will provide assistance. If you are still uncertain, contact the instructor for assistance.
Papers should have a minimum of four academic and peer-reviewed references
List all references within the paper per MLA guidelines and on the separate references page of the paper.