
Therapists and communicating with clients


Therapists and Communicating with Clients

Central to one's professional training as a therapist is the ability to accurately discern and reflect someone's affective states, both via verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. In addition, very often the therapist is helping one to develop a language to increase one's awareness of certain processes. The therapist assists the client by putting certain processes into words in order to help the client learn more effective and useful ways of responding to their feelings and emotions. However, I have found that this process (i.e. putting into words what someone is feeling) is often faced with resistance, regression, and fear. In light of schemas, emotions, and memory, can you identify any ways to more easily facilitate such a process within the clinical process?

Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced.

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Other Subject: Therapists and communicating with clients
Reference No:- TGS01898472

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