
Theory of planned behavior


Please arrange the literature review in following way:

· Review on the theories relating to your topic of interest (in this case two model use will be the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory Planned Behavior(TPB)

1. Review on the dependent variable (Purchase intention)

2. Review on the individual independent variables

3. Attitude

4. Subjective Norm

5. Perceived Ease of Use

6. Perceived Usefulness

7. Trust

· Hypotheses on conceptual model

1. Begin your literature review by explaining theories/ theory relating to your topic of interest (for example, Theory of Planned Behavior and Technology Acceptance Model)

2. Proceed with review on the dependent variable (purchase intention) followed by individual independent and other variables (Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived ease of use, Perceived usefulness and Trust).

3. For every component or variable, the discussion should begin from a macro perspective, moving into a more specific area associated with the research problem (for example: from customers' satisfaction to students' satisfaction OR from electronic commerce to mobile commerce OR from general tourist to medical tourists)

4. Specify hypotheses as well as explain and justify the relationship between and/ or among research variables. You may refer back to the earlier writing on the review of past materials.

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Business Management: Theory of planned behavior
Reference No:- TGS01789538

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