
Theory of laissez faire

Question 1:

a) Explain the theory of Laissez Faire and the need for State Regulation of employer and employee relationship.

b) Discuss the scope of the Government’s power for reference of Industrial Disputes.

Question 2: Examine the role of employers and trande unions in Industrial Relations.

Question 3: Compulsory Adjustication under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, has struck at the roofs of trade union organisation and collective bargaining. Discuss.

Question 4: Define ‘closure’ and distinguish it from lock-out. State the benefits to which workmen are entitled in the case of closure.

Question 5: Explain the procedure for recognition of trade union. Discuss how collective bargaining in India helped in build up with the recognition of trade unions.

Question 6: Enumerate the various privileges of a registered trade union.

Question 7: Explain the procedure for certification of Standing Orders and also, state the procedure for their modification.

Question 8: Write a note on the I.L.O. convention on freedom of association. Does freedom of association imply the right not join a trade union? Explain.

Question 9: Write short notes on any TWO of the given:

a) Workers participation in management.
b) Trade unions and politics.
c) Strike in public utility services.
d) Enforcement of bipartite agreement.

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Business Law and Ethics: Theory of laissez faire
Reference No:- TGS03765

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