
Theory of change over the log frame based on literature

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Theory of Change over the Log Frame based on literature.

Excellent news: essay due date has been changed

3000 words (excluding Bibliography)

Reference style: choose one that you are comfortable with (e.g. MLA, Harvard, Chicago Manual of Style, etc.)

Your research skill

Critical analysis of the topic/policy/project document

Application of the analytical tools and theories learned from this course

Ability to think and argue from an academic perspective


The introduction outlines the arguments and points that you develop in the essay

It should contain a concise response to the essay question

Essay question: Is the theory and practice of ecofeminism still relevant, or is it outdated?


In this section, your objective is to fully develop the points and arguments made in the introduction. Ideally, use sub-headings to structure your argument so there is a logical flow

Suggested sub-headings to structure your essay (based on previous slide’s intro)

Origin of ecofeminism

Critiques of ecofeminism (e.g. victimisation and essentialist critiques which Agarwal, Leach, etc have made)

Current direction of ecofeminism – the alliance with gender justice theory (this is where you might want to choose a few key theories or theorists to support your argument)

Ecofeminism and indigenous land rights activists (here you may want to consider using a case study)

Ecofeminism, gender justice, and the reclaiming of indigenous cultural values and identities associated with land and natural resource (remember your key theorists! Don’t forget about them!)

The bolded sub-headings are the key points/arguments of the essay. The first two are backgrounds

Remember: this is one way of approaching the major essay, it’s a suggestion and not compulsory!


Congratulations, you are almost there!

Conclusion should restate the main arguments of your essay. It is NOT a repetitive summary of what you had said, but to highlight the strengths of your argument and evidence to the reader.

Sometimes you may find that during the writing process, you have changed the direction of your argument. During editing, you need to compare between the introduction and the conclusion to make sure the points and arguments made in each are aligned.


1.Theories of change in international development: communication, learning, or accountability? By craig valters, 2014.

2. Isabel Vogel for the UK Department of International Development.

Review of the use of ‘Theory of Change’ in international development, Review Report .Isabel Vogel, April 2012

3.oxfamblogs.org https://oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/what-is-a-theory-of-change-and-does-it-actually-help/

What is a theory of change and how do we use it?

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Reference No:- TGS01426393

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