
Theory of and mind and consciousness in primates and birds

Write a Dissertation PLAN on the topic - Theory of and Mind and consciousness in Primates and birds. NOTE: The plan should be a PROSE OF WRITTING consisting of a minimum of 1500 and a maximum of 1800 words and it should not be AN OUTLINE, NOT IN BULLET POINTS AND NOT IN POETRY. But the plan should be constructed providing 
1. A working Title of the dissertation that is coherent with the text contained in the plan, A brief review of the literature with list of references about 20 - 30; of which TWELVE (12) of the references are PRIMARY SOURCES. The other references can be secondary sources.
2. Research design i.e. context of the dissertation, including introduction etc.Research objective, Research strategy, which can include as mixed method approach. incorporating both qualitative and quantitative research methods, Research methodology i.e. experiments and validity,Reflection and ethical research issues 
3. I EXPECTS TO SEE: A clear indication of the topic of the paper,including the central issues to be addressed, The problem the paper aims to resolve i.e the "gap" the paper intends to close and how the problems or the gaps identified are going to be closed.And show that the mat-erial contained within has been adequately referenced. 

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Biology: Theory of and mind and consciousness in primates and birds
Reference No:- TGS0103328

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