
Theoretical and practical aspects of public leadership

Question 1. Suggest one(1) theory, two (2) leadership styles, and two (2) leadership characteristics that define your strengths as a public leader when applied to situations that may arise within the sphere of public administration.

Question 2. Determine the strategic manner in which you could use your Emotional IQ in order to move you from a non-management position to a professional leader.

Question 3. Analyze the key influences that the theoretical and practical aspects of public leadership may exert upon a public leader's performance. Provide two (2) examples of these influences to support your response.

Question 4. Predict two to three (2-3) challenges that public leaders will face regarding the future of public leadership.

Question 5. Reflect upon your learning experiences as Chief of Staff, and examine your ability to provide exemplary public leadership.

Question 6. Rate the three (3) most important concepts that you have learned in this course of Leadership and Conflict Solution in order of importance (one [1] being the most important; three [3], the least).

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Other Management: Theoretical and practical aspects of public leadership
Reference No:- TGS01763557

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