Theoretical and Antithetical Approaches to Counseling
Theoretical Orientation
Of the theories related to mental health counseling, which theoretical orientation do you find yourself MOST aligned with at this point in your professional development? (Person-Centered, Existential, Adelerian, Gestalt)
How does this theoretical approach align with your personal and professional values and beliefs?
Within the context of the given theory, describe the primary role of the therapist and offer a brief description of the assumptions and limitations of the theory.
Antithetical Theoretical Orientation
Of the theories related to mental health counseling, which theoretical orientation do you find yourself LEAST aligned with at this point in your professional development?
How is this theoretical approach antithetical to your personal and professional values and beliefs?
Within the context of the given theory, describe the primary role of the therapist and offer a brief description of the assumptions and limitations of the theory.