Question: The topic is luxury brand Louis Vuitton
Theoretical Analysis: Use semiotics to understand how your ads work within the social, political, cultural and historical contexts.
Focus on how meanings are produced through images, symbols and signs.
Specific Instructions: • Make sure to discuss semiotics in your paper
• Describe major components of the theory
• discuss how this theory can be used to analyze your specific ads in relation to social, historical, cultural and technological contexts
• When analyzing specific ads, you should avoid discussing ads one by one since this approach may make your content very repetitive.
• Instead, organize your analysis based on emerging themes
• E.g. If there are three major themes that your ads contain, such as consumer empowerment, the construction of femininity, and selling nationalism, then you should organize your paper accordingly.
Specific Instructions (con't): • Given that any single ad may contain several different themes, it is ok to refer to the same ad in different sections
• The best way to refer to your ads is to number them using "Image 1," "Image 2,"... "Image 12." Then you can refer to a specific image in your essay accordingly.
• If there are 5 images that cover a specific theme, the best way is to organize the analysis of these images chronologically
• Here, you also need to refer to social, historical, cultural contexts if needed
Structure: • Title
• Your name
• Semiotics and using semiotics to understand advertising
• Emerging themes
• Using emerging themes as subheadings to organize your analysis
• Here, you also need to refer to social, historical, cultural contexts if needed
• Conclusion (summarizing major findings/arguments)