
Then you will read the novel screenplay or stage play or

Question: For this essay you will:

1. Watch the Disney film "Hercules". Netflix and Amazon are just a few of the possibilities for finding and watching the film.

2. Then you will read the novel, screenplay or stage play or poem. The written text is what you will quote for the essay.

- Please make sure to attach an alphanumeric outline with your completed essay.

Please make sure to underline thesis statement. Place outline after works cited page.

In 3 full pages Select (3) aspects from "The Hero Archetype" document below that relate to the character "Hercules" and explain why in descriptive detail why that kind of hero does what he does for each of the 3 you pick. You can reference three or four only for this essay. pick three from the list below only

- Go to google.com and type in that hero archetype so you can research some additional information about that kind of hero and why that kind of hero does what he does. Here's a link to help https://prezi.com/q0fzpapsvy6u/hercules-archetypes/. Use other sources as well that might explain motives, and critical analysis of your character. DO NOT use cliffs notes or yahoo answers or Wikipedia or any other sites that are not legitimate, vetted scholarly sources!!

Do not!! use second person or third person possessive. Never use "you, we, our, us" in your essay. This is to be third person objective written in scholarly style. If you do use you, we, our or us, there will be automatic point deductions.

"The Hero Archetype"

"The Classical Hero"

Here are the main characteristics of the epic classical hero of Greek and Roman literature:

• He is of royal birth or even, like the Titan Prometheus, half mortal and half god.

• He must perform extraordinary feats.

• His is a noble character: close to perfectly ideal but for one fatal flaw.

• The suffering of the character is physical.

• Death must occur in an unusual way.

• The hero fights for his own honor; his deeds belong to the community after his death.

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Other Subject: Then you will read the novel screenplay or stage play or
Reference No:- TGS02932189

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