
Then write a 400 word summary in apa format about how the

Read the summary and watch the 3 videos.

Then write a 400 word summary in APA format about how the CanGo Company has a problem with Time Management and your recommendation to fix the issue with time management.

 You will report on the strengths and deficiencies of the Time Management process under consideration, with recommendations for improvement.

It is important to recognize that each video episode (there are always 3 per week) provides a snapshot of a broader issue within the company. Therefore, in your analysis, you should consider the wider implications for the company and not focus only on single events or personal ramifications for any individual.

An important element for success in any organization is effective planning. For organizations to devise and to implement large-scale projects successfully it is necessary to coordinate a wide array of activities, information, and expertise. As businesses are pressured to move more quickly in response to customer expectations, projects must also be implemented quickly. This heightens the need for effective planning and control.

In this episode CanGo is faced with two major challenges: a) getting a stable online gaming system up and running as soon as possible; and b) preparing for an anticipated record holiday season. Both of these projects involve careful planning, coordination, and control of a wide array of activities and expertise.

Planning by its very nature is an ordered and organized process. When plans are not developed in this way the outcome is almost always sub-optimal. Have you ever had to complete an important task or project only to find yourself losing control of the process in a downward spiral of disorganization? The Introductory Video deals with this very problem. As you watch the Introductory Video, ask yourself why Nick loses control of his project and think about what he might have done to prevent this potential disaster.


VIDEO 1 - https://devry.equella.ecollege.com/file/2aa813e2-2161-4c07-b4e6-6e3ccec5ec86/1/EP2.zip/video1a.html

VIDEO 2 - https://devry.equella.ecollege.com/file/2aa813e2-2161-4c07-b4e6-6e3ccec5ec86/1/EP2.zip/video2a.html

VIDEO 3 - https://devry.equella.ecollege.com/file/2aa813e2-2161-4c07-b4e6-6e3ccec5ec86/1/EP2.zip/video3a.html


Before we begin to explore better methods for developing an implementation plan for CanGo's online gaming systems, let's review some basic elements of the planning process.

One important aspect of executing successful plans is the goal-setting process. Goals help drive the planning process and they establish benchmarks for measuring progress. Effective goals have several characteristics. These include:

Difficulty: In a successful plan, the goals are moderately difficult. Goals that are too easy do not motivate; goals that seem impossible to meet are usually not met.

Specificity: Goals that are specific are better than goals that are vague. For example, completing one's taxes on or before April 15th is a specific goal. Completing one's taxes "as soon as possible" is not.

Visibility: A specific, moderately difficult goal that is hidden away in someone's file cabinet will not have nearly the impact of one that employees can see every day. Posting goals and the progress toward them in a place where everyone can see them is an excellent strategy for improving their impact.

The best way to formulate goals is through a participative process in which both the manager and subordinates have input into establishing goal difficulty, specificity, and deadlines. One such participative goal setting process is Management By Objectives (MBO). In MBO, each employee develops goals for his or her function over a given period of time (usually one year), based on the overall planning objectives of the unit or department.

MBO is also useful in prioritizing goals. This is the process of assigning importance to a list of goals based on the organization's objectives.

Another popular tool for organizing and prioritizing goals is the Gantt Chart. A Gantt chart is a chart with time on the horizontal axis and the activities to be accomplished on the vertical axis. The bars show progress on the activities, both planned and actual, over the course of the project. Thus, a completed chart offers the viewer a visual representation of the order in which activities should be completed, the amount time assigned to each activity, and the degree to which each goal has been met.

It is also important to keep in mind that planning is done in cycles. Businesses develop the following types of plans in order to meet their stated objectives:

Short-Term Plans: Designed to solve immediate, pressing problems.

Medium-Term Plans: Designed to address problems and issues with a six-month to one year time horizon.

Long-Term Plans: Designed to set long-term, strategic objectives for the company with a time horizon of three to five years.

Let's see how these ideas can be used by Nick to help him get the online gaming project successfully underway.

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Management Theories: Then write a 400 word summary in apa format about how the
Reference No:- TGS01537026

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