
Then summarize the materials and questionnaires employed in

Guidelines for paper:

1) Include a title page (APA style) and the next page is your abstract. An abstract is a 5-7 sentence ( about 120 words) summary of your paper (not just the study) and follows a specific format (see APA Manual). This must be written in your own words and includes one sentence on each of the following: hypothesis, previous findings, participants, materials, procedure, results, your critique and relevance to the article. It must be very concise. Be sure to write the abstract when you are finished writing the paper. The entire paper should not be more than 7-8 pages including title page, abstract, and references.

2) You will start the body of your paper with a brief description of past findings on your topic (one or two paragraphs) and another paragraph will describe the hypothesis or hypotheses to be tested in your study. This is considered the introduction portion of your paper.

3) Then describe the participants in the study-the number of subjects, where and how the sample of individuals were selected, and ethnic, racial, gender, age descriptions (if available). Other pertinent descriptive information (usually in percentages) should be included.

4) Then summarize the materials and questionnaires employed in the study and the procedure involved. Give specifics about how the experiment(s) was conducted, for example, were subjects given a personality test at different stages of their lives? How were they tested? Which instruments were used and why?

5) Give a summary of the results statistically. Were there statistically differences between the groups being studied? What statistics were used? Provide findings and level of significance (For example, an ANOVA was conducted with F (2,20) = 6. 40, p<.05) You need to understand what groups are being compared and how, before you write this section.

6) In your discussion section, discuss the implications of the results and how the findings relate to previous research. Tell me, from your point of view, why these results are important.

7) Critically evaluate the experiment from your viewpoint as well as the authors. In your judgment, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the study and how would YOU improve upon the research in future work?

8) At the end of the paper, tell me how this article is relevant to our course and cite the textbook or outside readings in your discussion of its relevance.

9) Use appropriate references in the reference page and be sure citations in your paper match your references. You need to at least cite and reference the textbook and the article you are reviewing. Follow all guidelines from the APA manual (Sixth Edition). I will be happy to review drafts up to two weeks before the paper deadline (deadline date for drafts is on syllabus and will be adhered to). If you have any questions or concerns please see me, email me, call me, or submit your work because I am here to help and guide you through the process.

Article: The Relations of Gender and Personality Traits on Different Creativities: A Dual-Process Theory Account by Wei-Lun Lin Fo Guang University, Kung-Yu Hsu National Chung Cheng University and Hsueh-Chih Chen National Taiwan Normal University Jenn-Wu Wang Fo Guang University.

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