
Then search the internet like on google or bing and put

Then, search the Internet, like on Google or Bing, and put Gender and Diversity in the Workplace in the Search Box. Search and select the articles you want to use for this paper. (Note: Do not use information from BLOGS or from Wikipedia for your paper; these are open-source and the information cannot be validated as accurate.) Gender and Diversity in the Workplace The role of gender and ethnicity can shed light on how individuals react within a group. Use the effects of gender or the effects of diversity in a workplace and discuss the aspect of organized behavior. Interview people who have experienced the effects of a glass ceiling or racial discrimination and use it to support your paper. Study different industries to determine if a specific gender or ethnicity dominates the workplace. Discuss your findings and compare how a type of gender or ethnic background contributes and detracts from the work ethic in an organized structure such as a company. Write your assignment in MS Word, Times New Roman, 12 pt., Double-Spaced. The content portion of your paper, less any heading and references must be at least five complete pages to earn ANY grade. To reiterate, your Title and Work Cited Page DO NOT count toward the 5 complete pages requirement. You must have at least five sources for your paper. A minimum of two of the sources must come from the BVU Online Library. Use the Spelling and Grammar Tool built right into the MS Word program to identify and correct any spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization errors. A paper submitted with any of these errors, even just one, cannot earn an A. Cite the article using the APA format. (Note: Be sure to use APA formatting for your in-text citations in the body of your paper and for the sources on your Works Cited Page. Remember, you need an in-text citation for every source on a Works Cited Page and vice-versa.) (This Assignment is worth 125 Points) â€" No late assignments will be accepted so please plan your schedule accordingly.

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Business Management: Then search the internet like on google or bing and put
Reference No:- TGS02887856

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