Then post a few paragraphs on what globalization means to

Discussion 1- A Typical Day

We will start our weekly discussion forums with this question:

List all of the global products/services you utilize in a typical day.

For example: In the mornings I turn on my Samsung (S. Korea) television to watch World News on BBC America (England) before I grab my Levono laptop (China) and get into my Volvo (Sweden/China) to drive to Starbucks...

• 1 page
• APA 6th Edition
• Check Spelling and Grammar

Discussion 2- Globalization - Impact on the World

For your first Discussion, do a little research on Globalization. Then post a few paragraphs on what globalization means to you. How do you see it as a factor of business? Of the economy? Of technology?

What are your thoughts on the Globalization debate going on?

• Then - end your post with a question to the class.??
• Class - respond to your classmates' questions as a foundation for the discussion
• 1 page
• APA 6th Edition
• Check Spelling and Grammar


Title: Global Business Today
Authors: Charles W.L. Hill; G. Thomas M. Hult
Publisher: McGraw Hill Irwin
Ed/Year: 9th Edition/2016
ISBN-13: 978-9814738255
ISBN-10: 9814738255.

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Business Management: Then post a few paragraphs on what globalization means to
Reference No:- TGS02417055

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