
Then give the logic equations or connections for each

Based on the VHDL code of Figure 10-21, design a two-cell boundary scan register. The first cell should be an input cell, and the second cell an output cell. Do not design the TAP controller; just assume that the necessary control signals like shift-DR, capture-DR, and update-DR are available. Do not design the instruction register or instruction decoding logic; just assume that the following signals are available: EXT (EXTEST instruction is being executed), SPR (Sample/Preload instruction is being executed), and BYP (Bypass instruction is being executed). Use two flip-flops for BSR1, two flip-flops for BSR2, and one BYPASS flip-flop. In addition to the control signals mentioned above, the inputs are Pin1 (from a pin), Core2 (from the core logic), TDI, and TCK; outputs are Core1 (to core logic), Pin2 (to a pin), and TDO. Use TCK as the clock input for all of the flip-flops. Draw a block diagram showing the flip-flops, muxes, and so on. Then give the logic equations or connections for each flip-flop D input, each CE (clock enable), and each MUX control input.


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Electrical Engineering: Then give the logic equations or connections for each
Reference No:- TGS02164244

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