Estimate the average dollar outcome of each of the following games. Each dollar outcome has a probability of one-quarter. Then compute the average utility associated with each game, given the utility values that are associated with each dollar outcome.
(a) $12,000,U = 109.5; $11,000,U = 104.9; $9,000,U = 94.9; $8,000,U = 89.4.
(b) $32,000,U = 178.9; $31,000,U = 176.1; $29,000,U = 170.3; $28,000,U = 167.3.
(c) $24,000,U = 154.9; $22,000,U = 148.3; $18,000,U = 134.2; $16,000,U = 126.5.