
Then compose a short piece explaining your answer to each

TERGIVERSATION by John Lanchester

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1.     Look up tergiversation.

2.     Listen to the pod-cast in this link then answer the questions: Link (Links to an external site.)

3.     Read the very short article at this link: Link (Links to an external site.)

THEN COMPOSE A SHORT PIECE EXPLAINING YOUR ANSWER TO EACH QUESTION BELOW, minimum one paragraph or ten (10) sentences.  No fragments.:

  • Why and How would a business use language that is intentionally vague, misleading or ambiguous?
  • As students we assume all business communication is meant to clarify, but John Lanchester's interview suggests that often it is exactly the opposite, to deceive, to mislead. How far does this go?
  • What are the consequences?
  • Would you lie if your job required it?)
  • POST THESE ANSWERS (10 points)
  • After posting your answers to the questions above, you will be able to see what everyone else wrote. Choose another student's response and critique it. No flattery is permitted.
    • read all the input from other students.
    • do not just choose the first student's response.
    • you may need to wait for others to post their answers
    • choose one with mistakes you would like to address
    • click the REPLY button, and Address the other student by name. All your comments will be public
    • As you read the other student's work Identify

§  weak statements,

§  fuzzy logic,

§  hedging,

§  elusive use of language,

§  bad grammar,

§  bad syntax (logic),

§  lack of critical thinking,

§  emotionalism,

§  rhetoric,

§  dialectic. 

§  Never be rude or unprofessional, but

§  you must be critical.

§  One of the major steps in becoming a professional is learning how to give constructive criticism. 

§  Do not be apologetic. 

§  Again, do not take up space with meaningless flattery. 

§  Do not tell them what a great job they did. 

§  Do a critique.  (20 points)

After submitting both your answers and your critique, the instructor will grade both.  Students are free to carry on the discussion as far as they wish after posting their answers and critique. 

BUSINESS WRITING STYLE GUIDE:  In all discussions for this class please follow the standards listed below:

1.     Avoid first person  (I, me, we, us, our)

2.     Avoid second person (You, your)

3.     Never use passive voice (did run = passive,   ran = active). Passive voice means too many verbs.

4.     Never use contractions (can't, didn't, won't isn't, aren't)

5.     Never use jargon

6.     Never use clichés

7.     Never use colloquialisms

8.     Never use metaphors.  Be direct.

9.     Avoid similes.  Be direct.

10.  This course is conducted in English, and all homework and discussion submissions must be submitted in English.  All students will be graded by the same standard, regardless if English is a first or second language.  All grade marks are intended to educate.

11.  Students who do not earn full credit will usually receive comments explaining why.  Read the instructor's comments and then submit a second comment, using the information provided by the instructor. Then message the instructor to request a regrade

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