
Then calculate the change in the stress index stlfsi forthe

Go to the St. Louis Federal Reserve FRED database, and find data on corporate net worth ofnonfinancial businesses (TNWMVBSNNCB), private domestic investment (GPDIC1), and ameasure of financial frictions-the St. Louis Fed financial stress index (STLFSI).For the financial stress index measure (STLFSI), convert the frequency setting to 'Quarterly'.For corporate net worth (TNWMVBSNNCB) and private domestic investment (GPDIC1),calculate the annualized growth rates from quarter to quarter using the "Compounded AnnualRate of Change" transformation in FRED.

a. Analysis Before the Crisis: Calculate the average growth rates over the 2005:Q1 to2005:Q4 period for the corporate net worth (TNWMVBSNNCB) and private domesticinvestment (GPDIC1) variables. Then, calculate the change in the stress index (STLFSI) forthe 2005:Q1 to 2005:Q4 period by taking the value at the beginning of the period and subtracting it from the value at the end of the period.

b. Analysis During the Crisis: Calculate the average growth rates over the 2008:Q3 to2009:Q2 period for the corporate net worth (TNWMVBSNNCB) and private domesticinvestment (GPDIC1) variables. Then, calculate the change in the stress index (STLFSI) forthe 2008:Q3 to 2009:Q2 period by taking the value at the beginning of the period andsubtracting it from the value at the end of the period.

c. Analysis After the Crisis: Calculate the average growth rates over the 2012:Q2 to 2013:Q1 period for the corporate net worth (TNWMVBSNNCB) and private domesticinvestment (GPDIC1) variables. Then, calculate the change in the stress index (STLFSI) forthe 2012:Q2 to 2013:Q1 period by taking the value at the beginning of the period and subtracting it from the value at the end of the period.

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Business Economics: Then calculate the change in the stress index stlfsi forthe
Reference No:- TGS02252814

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